i finally recieved a tag
7elm 7ayaty beyt7a2a2 ya nas
let's start answering
& a huge thank-you to ameera
1-last beverage? Tee...3 hours ago
2- last phone call ?2 hours ago.... to a voyage-mate whom i met on my first & last voyage or fishing trip
3-last instant message ? three days ago....from vodafone informing me that the monthly bill has been reduced to 0-actually it has been cancelled- this month due to my high rate of calls
4- last cd played ? actually...i have no cd player...but if u mean last movie...hmmmm...i prefer not to say
hahaha...do not let ur thoughts travel abroad...it was about torture in egy detainee houses
5-last time u cried ? when my ex-fiancee told me we have no other choice but to separate (N.B. I don't cry often as ameera said)......i think i cried heavily afterwards in ramadan.....but let religious matters aside
hv u evers
1-date some one twice? yes
2- been cheated on ? a lot of times
3-lost some one special? a lot of ones
4- been depressed ? anybody lives in Egypt MUST always be depressed...we have Mubarak...his son...his wife...the ruling family...The SSP(state security police)...the NDP(the national democratic party)...who cann't be depressed!!!!!!!!!
6- been drunk & throw up ? yes-i mustn't say so but ....yes
7- favorite colors ? Blue
this month hv u
1-made a new friend ? I discovered some old friends...i realized they are not this bad & can be tamed to suit my needs....i also made about 18 new friends at a day!!(it was the voyage day ofcourse)
2-fallen out of love ? Nupe
3-laughed untill u cried? yes...but out of proudness when i listened to Sub7y Sale7's sermon in Alex
4-met some one who changed ur life? i don't think i can meet anybody who is capable to change my life anymore...in the mean time i mean!
5-found out who ur true friends were? yes...but others still to seem ambiguous
6- is there some thing u want to tell some one? yes..i wanna tell her that i can do it...life can go...days do pass...& i can forget.
i wanna see her for the last time....but not in the mean time..i don't want to be hurt again esp. as exams approach.
7- how many kids do u want to hv? depends on the mother
i don't mean that depends on her opinion-it sure is required- but i mean depends on her beauty or uglyness..w rabbena yesame7na 3algerema elly bene3melha fe el koon de!-may god forgive us on the crime we are doing to universe right now-
8-do u wanna change ur name? ofcourse not...i'm so proud of it...it's also a romantic one
11-wt did u do 4 ur last birth day? i called my friends to inform them of it & to scold them...but they were soooooooo cold & not interested.
12-wt time u wake up to day? 9 am
21-most visited web page ? My blog friends.... almasry al youm...egyptians without borders...20at....alahram....alarabeya....ikhwan on line....& egy fishing club forum
I pass this to
محمود سعيد
سمسم خلاص التاج راح له قبلى
سوسة المفروسة
على واحد من الناس
شاب فأرى
خالد وليس بخالد
Monday, April 02, 2007
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أنا كمان برضه
Finally...a Taaaaaaaaaag
بس معلش هاسيبه شوية كده
لأنى الساعة ديه مكتئب جداً جداً
يمكن بكرة ولا حاجة
علشان مجاوبش إجابات كئيبة تجيب الكآبة للقراء
طب معلهشي اصلي بعرف ابصم
يعني ايه تاج؟؟؟
زي بتاع الملك فاروق يعني؟؟
حقيقي انا معرفشي يعني ايه
ياريت حد يقول لي
مكتئب من اية يابني؟
دانت ما شاء الله لسة راجع من مقابلة مع صبحي صالح
واللا حاولت تعاكس واحدة من الاخوات وشكمتك؟
شكمتك بمعني ادتك كلمتين مش شتمتك
عشان ماتفهمنيش غلط
لو متضايق من حاجة فضفض معايا وانا اخوك واتطمن السر فى بيييييييييييير
شوف يا دكتور خالد
التاج ده يا سيدي حاجة زي استطلاع رأى او كويستشينير بيعمله واحد مدون وبيبعته لناس يجاوبوه ويمرروه لناس تانية وكدة-ده على حسب فهمي المتواضع ومتسألنيش مين فهمي ده هقولك ده اخو محمدين ابو سويلم-المهم معنى مررت لك التاج انى اكون قلت التاج ده للشخص كذا وكذا
تعمل انت اية فيه بأة يا دكتوووووور؟
تنسخه كوبي وبيست وتحطه عند حضرة سمو فخامتك فى البلوج بتاع سموك وتجاوب على أسئلته وتبعته لباقى الناس اللى تعرفهم او تحب تعرف رأيهم فى الكلام ده
نسيت اقولك
مدونتك حلوة اوى اوى
جزاك الله خيرا وربنا وحده يعلم ان كل كلمة انت قلتها نفسي اقول زيها بس مش بعرف اعبر عن نفسي كدة...ربنا يوفقك ويجعل الكلام ده كله فى ميزان حسناتك ويفيد بيه عامه المسلمين وخاصتهم
اللهم امين يا بو حميد
شكرا على التوضيح
ووصلني تاج وربنا يستر
ت ح ي ا ت ي
على فكرة أنت كده زعلتنى منك
شوف بقى زعلتنى ليه
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